Monday, May 6, 2013

The Island President Review:
How serious is Global Warming? Well more than we realize and less away then we care to acknowledge. This is ultimately the clear and loud message of the small island nations of the South Pacific and Indian Ocean during the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Change Conference. This video is an eye-opener to the true seriousness of the situation for these tropical island paradises that we often dream about visiting some day; alas they may be gone within the lifetime of present generations.

This video follows the President of Maldives, a nation of small archipelagos just south of India, as he ascends to Maldives' Presidency and begins to tackle serious issues of his nation caused directly by the effect of global sea level rise. He makes it a major agenda of his Presidency to convince the world to commit to major reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, otherwise to start preparing to accept climate refugees who will number in the millions if these small islands become inundated. The video takes you into the events of the 2009 Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen which is the pivotal event for President Mohamed Nasheed to bring his case to the world. Did the world accept his plea which he says should be of equal concern to all who live in coastal villages, towns and cities of all nations? See this video to become aware of what most world leaderships are choosing to ignore, hoping the problem will just miraculously disappear one day!

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